Write On Right Now!: Writing prompt: grandparents- Writing Prompts & Exercises to Get You Writing Now!

Write On Right Now!

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to write. And that would be me. I've moved my journal about my writing life over to LiveJournal http://susanwrites.livejournal.com This blog will be filled with writing prompts and exercises so we can all write on right now! Please feel free to share your favorites.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Writing prompt: grandparents

Today's prompt comes from the book Room to Write by Bonni Goldberg.

Today begin with the word grandmother or grandfather and let the memories and associations serve as a tour guide. Examine what surfaces. Is it mostly character description, story, history, opinion, or something else?

Write on right.


At Wednesday, August 03, 2005, Blogger iTripped said...

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At Wednesday, August 03, 2005, Blogger iTripped said...

I thought you might be interested in this little contest.

At Saturday, August 06, 2005, Blogger Modigliani said...

hey.. thanks for that prompt! I ended up writing this way cool blogpost about my grandfather. The really sad part is that blogger went haywire and completely deleted what I had worked on for over an hour! :((( ....

I'm too depressed to try it over again. IT just won't be as good. But you were the inspiration for something important to me that only I could have written and then read. Just wanted you to know, Susan! :)

At Saturday, August 06, 2005, Blogger Susan Taylor Brown said...

Thanks, itripped! I found some pug stuff that I have been meaning to get over to you.

modigli - I responded to you in a couple of places. I got up this morning thinking, I'm nuts. No way that I can pull off the writing prompts blog AND my LJ one and who the heck cares about the prompts anyway and a whole bunch of other very negative stuff.

And then I got your note. I'm sorry that blogger ate your words but thank you. The blog stays. The prompts stay. Because of you.

Write on right now.

At Saturday, August 06, 2005, Blogger Modigliani said...

I got your note on my site, too!
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !

WOW! I am so pleased! You gave me a chance to write something I really loved, and just an opportunity to think about my grandfather and what an amazing guy he was.

Win-Win situation here!

Thank you, too, for those words!


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