Sunday, July 31, 2005

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Who am I? I was born on the Cancer/Leo cusp and share a birthday with Ernest Hemingway and Robin Williams. The similarities don't stop there as I can go from depressed to ecstatic without ever passing go. I feel scared most of the time though my friends call me brave and I find it easier to believe in my friends than to belive in my own abilities to make what I want out of my life.
Who am I? A wife, a mother, a daughter, and even, gulp, a grandmother.
Who am I? A writer who never gets tired of playing with words, even when the words are hard to find. A writer of books for children and articles for grown-ups and many things in-between.
Who am I? A motivational speaker, writing instructor, workshop leader and full-time follower of dreams.
Who am I? Read and find out.
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What an intriguing pic, Susan. I don't know why, but the first thing it reminded me of was an indie film Joey and I saw a year or so ago. Shoot, can't remember the title, but it was about an English novelist staying and writing at her editor's home in France (Italy?). The mood for most of the film was ominous. Funny. Haven't thought of the film since - but this pic brought it back to surface. Wonder what it means?
Love this exercise idea :)
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