Write On Right Now!: Writing prompt:dialog- Writing Prompts & Exercises to Get You Writing Now!

Write On Right Now!

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to write. And that would be me. I've moved my journal about my writing life over to LiveJournal http://susanwrites.livejournal.com This blog will be filled with writing prompts and exercises so we can all write on right now! Please feel free to share your favorites.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Writing prompt:dialog

This excercise is best done with a tape that you can pause and rewind. You can tape a television show, a commerical or put in a movie. Turn the sound to OFF.

Watch for 5-10 minutes with your finger on the pause button. Watch, pause, then fill in the dialog on your own. If it is something you've seen before, try not to recreate what you think they said but come up with something new.

Write on right now.

Don't forget my writing blog on LiveJournal


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