Write On Right Now!: Writing Prompt: Hands- Writing Prompts & Exercises to Get You Writing Now!

Write On Right Now!

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to write. And that would be me. I've moved my journal about my writing life over to LiveJournal http://susanwrites.livejournal.com This blog will be filled with writing prompts and exercises so we can all write on right now! Please feel free to share your favorites.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Writing Prompt: Hands

Spend several minutes staring at your hand, both sides. Run a finger up and down between the fingers. Look at your fingernails. Are they long, short, dirty or painted? Rub a circle in the back of your hand, then on the palm. Make a fist and hold it tight then open it.

Now describe your hand.

Write on right now.

Don't forget my other writing blog at Live Journal.
Daily updates.

Do you have a writing prompt to share? Please feel free to add yours to the comments or email me and I will be happy to post them and give you credit.


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