Thursday, January 19, 2006

View my profile.
Who am I? I was born on the Cancer/Leo cusp and share a birthday with Ernest Hemingway and Robin Williams. The similarities don't stop there as I can go from depressed to ecstatic without ever passing go. I feel scared most of the time though my friends call me brave and I find it easier to believe in my friends than to belive in my own abilities to make what I want out of my life.
Who am I? A wife, a mother, a daughter, and even, gulp, a grandmother.
Who am I? A writer who never gets tired of playing with words, even when the words are hard to find. A writer of books for children and articles for grown-ups and many things in-between.
Who am I? A motivational speaker, writing instructor, workshop leader and full-time follower of dreams.
Who am I? Read and find out.
Site Feed
My Children's Books
- Hugging the Rock
- Can I Pray With My Eyes Open?
- Robert Smalls Sails to Freedom
- Oliver's Must-Do List
- Jump at the Sun Treasury
New blog for me
Previous Posts
- Writing Prompt: Your Childhood Bedroom
- Writing Prompt: Accidents
- Writing Prompt: Description
- Writing Prompt: Food
- Writing Prompt: One Song
- Writing Prompt: Enemies
- Writing Prompt: Your First Car
- Writing Prompt: Hands
- Writing prompt: Money
- Picture Prompt: The Store
Need more writing prompts?
Check these out!
- Promptly Writing
- Cynthia Leitich Smith: Cynsations
- Haemi Balgassi
- One Over-Caffeinated Mom
- Lara M. Zeises
- Brent Hartinger
- Debbi Michiko Florence
- Sara Zarr
- Devas T. Rants and Raves
- Tracie Zimmer
- Janni Lee Simner
- Anne Marie Pace
- Pamela Ross
- Debra Garfinkle
- Cecil Castellucci
- Diane M. Davis
- Blerg
- Secrets and Lies
- Muller in the Middle
- Anastasia Suen: Create-Relate
- Laurie Halse Anderson
- Jane Yolen: Telling the True
- Greg Leitich Smith
- Barry Goldblatt: Agent
- Michele Regenold: Iowa Kid
- Notes From the Slushpile
- The Writers Buzz
- Devas T. Reads Kiddie Books!
- Sharilyle Soffe
- Jen the Librarian
- Cynthia Lord
- Meg Cabot
- Modigli
- Lyrical Paint
- Do or Do Not
- Booksquare
- A Chair, A Fireplace, and A Tea Cozy
- Marlene Perez
- Tanya Lee Stone
- Mary E. Pearson
- Gail Giles
- E. Lockhart
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- Orange Splot
- Teen Librarian
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