Writing Prompt - Blue
List as many things as you can that are blue. Now write an emotion next to each of those words. Add a verb to each line. Now, see if you can turn some of those lines into mini stories.
Write on, right now.
Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to write. And that would be me. I've moved my journal about my writing life over to LiveJournal http://susanwrites.livejournal.com This blog will be filled with writing prompts and exercises so we can all write on right now! Please feel free to share your favorites.
List as many things as you can that are blue. Now write an emotion next to each of those words. Add a verb to each line. Now, see if you can turn some of those lines into mini stories.
There was something you wanted once, very badly, and you didn't get it. Write about it.
I seem to be brave but really I'm . . .
Write about a time that something ended.
A brief intermission while I jump up and down after finding out I won both a second place and an honorable mention in the SmartWriters contest. You can read all the juicy details over in my regular writing blog on LiveJournal. http://susanwrites.livejournal.com